Sacred Earth Medicine’s Code of Ethics
- Sacred Earth Medicine (SEM) will perform an intake with every participant before the ceremony. During the intake SEM does a physical, mental and emotional health screening to ensure participants receive appropriate and adequate support before, during, and after a ceremony. Participants will schedule an appointment in the weeks leading up to the ceremony to call with one of the space holders for the ceremony.
- Participants will receive an intake form, which has to be completed before the intake takes place – along with a ceremony agreement, which has to be read and agreed upon by the participant.
- Sacred Earth Medicine informs participants about the risks and benefits of partaking in a ceremony and offer insight into their own capacities and limitations.
- Sacred Earth Medicine provides guidelines for the participants on how to prepare for their experience before the ceremony.
- Sacred Earth Medicine intents to create safe, held containers in which participants can let go and surrender to their experience. SEM space holders are responsible for setting, upholding and monitoring of appropriate boundaries within the relationship between the space holder and the participant. They will respect participants boundaries as well as their own at all times, holding space in a safe and grounded setting.
- Sacred Earth Medicine will not allow participants to leave the ceremony before it closes, without consulting with and without consent of the space holder.
- Sacred Earth Medicine ensures that private information shared by the participant with the space holder will be stored safely and will never be shared with a third party without consent of the participant. Sacred Earth Medicine can share information about participants amongst the SEM space holders under certain conditions. SEM ensures privacy and confidentiality before, during and after the ceremonies.
- Sacred Earth Medicine works with informed consent. SEM space holders practice mindful care when it comes to touching participants and clarifying boundaries to their use of touch. All forms of touch will be discussed before the start of a ceremony and agreed upon by participants and space holders. Space holders never engage in sexual touch of any sort.
- Sacred Earth Medicine will inform participants of their responsibilities before, during and after a ceremony. They advice against making major life changes in the three months after the ceremony.
- Sacred Earth Medicine does not offer any medical advice.
Space Holder Requirements
- Sacred Earth Medicine space holders have extensive individual experience with altered states of consciousness.
- SEM space holders maintain a consistent, safe set & setting. They are well-informed about contraindications of the earth medicines they work with and are aware of substance/medication/supplement interactions. Through their own experiences they are familiar with the wide range of effects and experiences that can be caused by earth medicines. They are capable of spotting and working with the various experiences that participants might go through, including challenging experiences.
- SEM space holders abide in a compassionate presence. They aspire inclusion and to challenge any prejudices they might have.
- SEM space holders know their gifts and their limitations. They avoid working with participants for whom they lack the skills, compassion and/or experience to support.
- SEM space holders practice an attitude of humility. They acknowledge at all times that it is the participant him/herself who is the agent of change.
- SEM space holders demonstrate proper self-care and invest in their own mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
- SEM space holders are open to reflections and feedback from participants and peers
- SEM performs a 4:1 ratio of participants to guides in group ceremonies and a 2:1 clients to guide in private sessions.
- SEM space holders offer proper guidance to navigate mental, emotional, physical and spiritual crisesses before, during and after a ceremony.
Any external guide, third party and volunteer that provide their service in request of Sacred Earth Medicine also adhere to this code.
August, 2022