“The Earth is our Mother
And she is calling us home
To remember our connection
To the grounds we walk upon
To the waters surrounding us
She is calling us to honour
The fire in our souls
To awaken the healing abilities
that are within each one of us
So that we may remember every breath
As an encounter with the Sacredness of life

The Sacred Earth is calling us
to live from the Medicine within”

The Journey

At Sacred Earth Medicine we offer you guidance, perspective and tools to support you in your walk in life. The intention for the journey is the vision you have for yourself on how to live in harmony from your most truest expression.

From here we set out on a journey together that in every moment is growing with you.  

Our walk together is an organic process in which Sacred Earth Medicines are tools that we use along our way. There is no set time frame or amount of sessions we offer you. We adjust to your unique rhythm. Whatever arises within your process, will guide you towards the next step to take…

Through Sacred Earth Medicine we walk with you for a while. Offering guidance and care within your process of becoming. We know that transforming ourselves from within can be a challenging journey, but will transform us into compassionate, heart-centred, resilient human beings. By listening within we have learned about dis-ease and started walking a path in authentic health.

The Sacred Earth Medicines that we connect to, can be of great support to your process within a supportive setting and with proper guidance.

There are no shortcuts or magic pills, but there is a way. If you are willing and dedicated to embark upon this journey, your whole life starts to transform from the inside out.

About Sacred Earth Medicines

Sacred Earth Medicines are the tools and allies that accompany you on your journey.
We offer these within safe, held containers – with proper care before and afterwards.